Friday, November 13, 2020


Urgent Request by SJTE to Sign the Petition

 Dear All,



አባ ተስፋማርያም ባራኪ 

አቤቱ ፈጣሪ ጌታ፣
ምስጋና ይድረስህ ጥዋትና ማታ፣
በኃጢአት ሰው እንዳይንገላታ፣
ተፈትኖ በሰይጣኑ ወስላታ፤
አፍስስለት የጸጋህን ስጦታ፣
መንፈሱ በእምነት እንዲበረታ፣
ሳይሸበር እንዲኖርም በደስታ፣
ሰላምህ ይንገሥልን በሁሉም ቦታ፣
ጥላቻ በዝቶ ሰው እንዳይማታ፣
ፍቅር ይብዛልን እንዳይሆን ዝምታ፣
ክፋት በዝቶ ሰው ከገነት እንዳይገታ፣
ምሕረትህን ስጠው ባንተው ችሎታ፣
ወደ ገሃነም እንዳይወርድ ቀጥታ፣
አንተው ሁንለት ኃያሉ መከታ፣
እየፈወስከው ከኃጢአቱ በሽታ

አንተ ነህና የሁሉም አባት፣
ሰው እንዲኖር በአንድነት፣
ነፃ አድርገው ከጥላቻ ኃጢአት፣
እንዳይገባ ወደ ገሃነመ እሳት፣
እንዳይኖርም በሰይጣን ባርነት፣
ታስሮ በትዕቢቱ ሰንሰለት፣
ለዘለዓለመ ዓለም ከማይፈታበት፣
ተገዝቶ ከሰማያዊው ገነት።
ባንተው ታልቁ ቼርነት፣
መልሰው ወደ ንስሐና ጸሎት፣
አሳየውም ያንተውን ምሕረት፣
እንዳይቀጣ በዘላለማዊው ሞት፣
አንተ ነህና ለሰው የዘላለም ሕይወት።

አቤቱ አንተ ነህና የዓለም ፈጣሪ፣
ሰው ሁሉ እንዲሆን የስምህን አክባሪ፣
እንዲያውቅም መሆንህን መሓሪ፣
እንደሌለም ካንተ በቀር ሌላ መሪ፣
የተፈጥሮ ሁሉ አስተዳዳሪ፣
ሳይኖርህ አንድም አማካሪ፣
ሳይገኝልህም ማንም ተወዳዳሪ፤
ዲያብሎስ ብቻ የጠብ ጫሪ፣
በትዕቢቱ በጣም ፎካሪ፣
በደካማው ላይም ወራሪ፣
ሰው እንዲሆን ክፋት-ሠሪ፣
በእምነቱም በጣም ተጠራጣሪ፣
ወይም ደግሞ በፍጹም አክራሪ፣
አንተ ነህና ለሰው ጠበቃና ተከራካሪ፣
የእውነትንም ሁሉ አስተማሪ፣
በጸጋ ላይ ጸጋን አበዳሪ፣
ሰው እንዳይሆን የውሸት አውሪ፣
ይልቅስ እንዲሆን የአምላክ ፈሪ፣
እንዲሆንም ሰውን ሁሉ ኣፍቃሪ፣
ባርከው እንዲሆን የትእዛዛትህን አክባሪ፣
ለዘላለምም የምስጋናህን ዘማሪ።

አቤቱ ጸሎታችንን ስማ፣
ከገጠር እስከ ከተማ፣
ኢትዮጵያዊው ሁሉ እንዲስማማ፣
እንዲኖረውም አንድ አላማ፣
ለወገኑና ለሀገርቷ የሚስማማ፣
እየተመራ ባንተው ፍቅር አርማ፣
ሕይወቱ በሰላምና ጸጋ እንዲለማ፣
እንዲኖረውም መንፈሳዊ ግርማ፣
እንዲዘምርልህም የምስጋናን ዜማ፣
እንደ አባታችን አቡነ ሰላማ፣
ኢትዮጵያን ያወጣት ከአረማውነት ጨለማ።

[እተን ክልተ ዝተረፋ ዘፍርሓ ትንቢት ] ኣባ ዘውንጌል (Source: Bemnet Nkhu ብእምነት ንቅሑ)


ህጹጽ መልእኽቲ፥- ንተጋሩን ኤርትራውያንን ብቀሺ ማርቆስ ደባስ ( Source: ድምፂ ተዋሕዶ ብቀሺ ማርቆስ ደባስ)


Thursday, November 12, 2020


We’re witnessing a dark cloud of war hovering in the skies of the Horn of Africa especially in Ethiopia and Eritrea. The peoples of the region have endured natural and man-made disasters and as though that wasn’t enough they are now being dragged into another senseless war that has the potential to wreak havoc in the region. Therefore, we are calling upon the broader international community comprising of civil organizations, professionals, artists, religious leaders, intellectuals, celebrities, and concerned individuals, etc. to join hands with us as we call for the following petition:

1. The Federal Government of Ethiopia and the Tigray regional government to cease all hostilities, instead they should and must resolve their differences through dialogue and peaceful means.

2. All national media outlets that are owned and operated privately or by the regional and federal government and the state of Eritrea to refrain from making any inflammatory and hate inciting Ethno-nationalist discriminatory discourses. Instead, we appeal to all media outlets to report objectively and to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of true and professional journalism.

3. We oppose and condemn all forms of oppression, ethnic/and or religious-based violence by anyone against anyone and anywhere.

4. We call for the State of Eritrea and the Federal Republic of Ethiopia to abide by all international legal and diplomatic norms and to refrain from interfering in each other’s internal domestic affairs and instead to work towards peace and stability in the region.

5. We call upon UNHCR to work with the Ethiopian Federal Government in securing the safety and wellbeing of Eritreans, who are scattered all across Ethiopian refugee camps. In particular, we call their attention to the plight of Eritrean refugees, who have been granted protection by the Tigray regional government, to ensure that their basic human needs are met.

6. We call upon the PM of Ethiopia Dr. Abiy Ahmed to use his Nobel Peace laureate Prize to be a role model and exemplary of Peace both in Ethiopia and in the Horn region through his actions and policies.

7. We call upon the nationals of both Ethiopia and Eritrea, who reside both inside and outside their respective countries, to be ambassadors and advocates for peace


November 5, 2020

Call for Peace in Ethiopia

 Call for Peace in Ethiopia

We are deeply saddened to see the ongoing War in our country Ethiopia, which was fired on Wednesday, November 4, 2020.

We call ALL the People and leaders of the World to condemn the ongoing War in Ethiopia!

We call ALL the People of Ethiopia to condemn War in Ethiopia, which recently fired.

We call All the leaders of Ethiopia to choose Peace instead of War!

We call All our leaders to stop the War immediately and start a discussion to solve their difference peacefully!

During the Civil War (1974 GC-1990 GC), we lost more than 500,000 People in Ethiopia due to War and more than a Million Deaths from famine. No need to repeat the same mistake again. 

During the Ethio-Eritrea War, we lost more than 100,000 People. 

Let us choose Peace instead of War!

Let us stop killing each other! We are brothers! We are not enemies to each other! There is Neither Winner Nor loser in this War because it is a War between brothers.

May God bless Ethiopia and its People!

Denver Protesters March To Raise Awareness Of Deadly Conflict In Ethiopia (Source: 4CBS DNVER)

 Denver Protesters March To Raise Awareness Of Deadly Conflict In Ethiopia

DENVER (CBS4) – Carrying signs that said “Do Not Let It Become Genocide,” protestors marched down Lincoln Street to the State Capitol on Thursday afternoon. They called themselves concerned Ethiopians in Colorado.

ቦሌ ኤርፖርት በተጋሩ ላይ እየደረሰ ያለው እንግልት10-09-2020 (Source: Tigrai Media House)


Tekeze Hydro-Electric Power was hit by Airstrike by Abiy Ahmed Regime at war with Tigray Regional State (Source: Tigrai Online)


እዋናዊ ኩነታት ኣመልኪቱ ብ ቤት ምኽሪ ትግራይ ዝተውሃበ መግለፂ (Source: Tigrai TV)


የአብይ ትግራይን የማፍረስ ፕሮጀክት 11-12-20 11-12-2020 ንህዝብና ድምፂ ንኹኖ (Source: Tigrai Media House)